Notify national organisations of a qualifying perinatal event

This service replaces current notifying portals and health and care professionals should use this service to:

  • Notify Maternity and Newborn Safety Investigations Special Health Authority (MNSI) of stillbirths, early neonatal deaths, severe brain injuries, and maternal deaths (while pregnant or within 42 days of the end of the pregnancy)
  • Notify NHS Resolution's Early Notification Scheme (NHSR) of potential severe brain injuries. The Early Notification Scheme is a key initiative towards achieving the delivery of safer maternity care, providing a more rapid, caring response to families in cases of severe harm, supporting a learning culture. The scheme proactively investigates specific brain injuries at birth for the purposes of determining if negligence has caused the harm. We do this by requiring our Clinical Negligence Scheme for Trusts (CNST) members to notify us of maternity incidents which meet a certain clinical definition. Early Notification criteria Notify NHSR for term babies following labour (at least 37 completed weeks of gestation) who have had a potential severe hypoxic brain injury confirmed on an MRI scan. Babies who are born by elective caesarean section, and babies who have sadly died within the first week of life (0-6 days) will not be eligible for review under the EN scheme
  • Notify Mothers and Babies: Reducing Risk through Audits and Confidential Enquiries (MBRRACE-UK) of late fetal losses, stillbirths, early neonatal deaths, late neonatal deaths, maternal deaths (whilst pregnant or within 42 days of the end of the pregnancy), and maternal deaths (between 42 and 365 days after pregnancy)
  • Notify your local Child Death Overview Panel (CDOP) through notification to MBRRACE-UK

More information can be found at the national organisation's respective websites:

Before you start

You can start a draft at anytime but to complete the form we will ask you for relevant information from the following categories:

  • Information about the trust e.g. their role
  • Event details e.g. site and date of event
  • Details of the mother and baby or babies involved e.g. date of birth or ethnicity

Sign in

You will need to create an NHS England Applications account and sign in if you wish to access this service

Sign in to start

Or set up an account (opens in new window) if you have never accessed this service before.

By using this service you are agreeing to our terms of use and privacy policy (opens in new window).